Join RFC

You can join our fishing club anytime of the year. Doing so later in the year means a pro-rated amount.

Membership is $60 a year for individuals and $85 a year for Household membership (family membership).

JOIN IN October and November

Join now to get in on the annual Christmas Party! Pick up a membership pro-rated for the year and pay for 2025 dues at the Christmas party to get in on our early-bird raffle. You could win a free year’s membership. Your dues cover THE REGION’S BEST speaker-guides teaching you every meeting how to catch more fish. Best fishing club speakers of any club in Chicago Area!

Riverside Fishing Club Membership Includes

  • Admission to all regular season meetings
  • A Guest Speaker Fishing Seminar (at nearly every meeting)
  • Cash Bar, Fishing Tackle Raffle Opportunities and Split the Pot Raffles
  • Reduced fees at our annual Swap Meet & Fishing Tackle Sale.
  • Chances at going on Fishing Outings and meeting new fishing partners

To Join – you can fill out the information on this form. We will give you a welcome call or email and get to know you. One of our ambassadors will get you started with information on upcoming meetings.

You can also contact our Membership Director (or join at any club meeting).
Membership Director Leonard Catalano:

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    You can also contact club president – Tony Novak 708-447-8087
    Not a member, join us as a guest for $5 every meeting. If you wish to join, we will deduct it from your upcoming dues payment. We are told the food is fantastic and no one in the area has our quality of speakers! (The largest Multi-Species fishing club in the Chicago Area for a reason).

    How Good of a Value for Your Fishing Dollar is Riverside Fishing Club?

    You get all of the following: 

    • 12 events a year
    • 10 club meetings per year (once a month) which includes a professional speaker, coffee.  A fishing tackle raffle and a 50/50 raffle are available, plus fishing reports by members to keep you-up-to-date on where their hitting.  Fishing outings during the year with members, some which include professional fishing guides. 
    • A fishing “swap meet” held in April where you can sell and/or buy all sorts of fishing tackle and outdoor stuff.
    • Free monthly Midwest Outdoor magazine subscription, a $21.95 a year value.
    • A member Christmas Party in December featuring a great meal with over 12 entries to choose from.  
      Plus door prize raffles for attendees and their guest.  
    • An open cash bar serving beer, wine, mix drinks, soda and water at all the meetings.

    You get all this for $60 a year for a single membership or $85 for a family membership (same household).  Adding up your dues plus the free values you receive, can bring the cost of a single membership to as low as $2.70 a month per event.  On a family membership, assuming two people, the monthly cost can be as low as $1.35 per person, even lower for more than two people in a family membership.  

    Where else can you get this much value for your money!