The Riverside Fishing Club’s January Speaker: IDNR Stocking & Fishing Frank Sladek will be our guest speaker and is the IDNR’s Urban and Community Fishing Program Coordinator for Northern Illinois. Frank will present the IDNR’s Urban and Community Fishing Program. He will highlight the program’s history, current program offerings, tackle and future plans. Frank will also cover the history of the Illinois fish hatchery system, along with a brief overview of the current hatcheries and species being raised in the second half of the program.
First Time Guests $5, no reservation required – pay at the door. Our January meeting is January 9th. The meeting starts at 6:45 pm and we offer a cash bar, food served sometimes (or bring your own bag lunch, soda). Fishing Tackle Raffle, 50/50 raffle and fishing seminar. Come meet fishing friends and Chicago’s Fishing Club – the Riverside Fishing Club. Lodge #424 of the Loyal Order of Moose in Berwyn IL is our home for great fishing club meetings – RFC.